Saturday 24 July 2021

The Lygons and the Flytes

On May 31 1533, one Richard Lygon was created 'a Knight of the Sword' in the Tower of London in celebration of Anne Boleyn's coronation. 

His descendant was William Lygon, Lord Beauchamp (1872-1938), the model for Lord Marchmain in Evelyn Waugh's classic 'Brideshead Revisited'. His family home, Madresfield Court, inspired Brideshead.

Like Lord Marchmain who left his family to live with his mistress in Italy, Lord Beauchamp was exiled from England, though in his case for his same sex attractions.


William Lygon, the 7th Earl of Beauchamp at a  fancy dress ball in 1897.



Madresfield Court (Malvern, Worcestershire)

 The private family chapel at Madresfield Court.The Lygons were actually an  Anglo Catholic family, not Roman Catholic as depicted in 'Brideshead Revisited'.

Beauchamp's son Hugh Lygon (1904-1936) was the model for Lord Sebastian Flyte. 



 Hugh Lygon


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