Friday, 29 November 2019

'The Concubine' by Norah Lofts


  1. I used to love Norah Lofts as a teen, and I read most of her books. I don't remember this one, though.

  2. This version of the book has a pretty terrible cover!

    The interesting thing about 'The Concubine' is that in the plot, Lofts makes Anne Boleyn both innocent AND guilty of adultery at the same time.

    I won't give any spoilers. : ) You'll need to check out the book.

  3. It sounds rather interesting! I wonder if it is available as an ebook? The cover is awful, I agree.
    Norah Lofts wrote a non-fiction book about Anne. She seemed to dislike her so much that I gave it away! I am not that keen on Anne myself - wearing a yellow dress and dancing about to celebrate Katherine of Aragon's death was a bit much. However, the book really annoyed me.

  4. Yes, I have the non-fiction book on Anne Boleyn by Norah Lofts too. It's nicely illustrated, but she makes too much of her silly theory that Anne might have been a real witch.

    According to another source, Henry VIII wore yellow too when Katherine of Aragon died.


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